Wednesday, November 25, 2009
What a dream = =
I dreamt that I am still not done with my exam, still preparing for my FAR3 exam..(I really wondered,why must be FAR3?!!)
And on the 2nd day,I sat the bus to BP..and fortunately I woke up...
And when I woke up, it got me a few second to think : eh? Why don't have exam 1? Swt...= =
Wish me luck in my result..I don't want to retake!! *coi coi coi*
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sesame street
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
邵健辉feizhai 与我共勉之...-i saw this in facebook, and i think i shall put it here, so i can remember this words someday in the future...^^
Something to share 2

空袭开始了,妈妈在轰炸中突然离世,在这突如其来的打击面前,哥哥能够做到的,只是将妈妈死去的消息瞒过年幼的妹妹。空旷的广场上,哥哥卖力地为哭 着要找***妹妹表演着单杠,夕阳下两个瘦小的身影显得那么单薄。也许,就是在那刻,哥哥试图将所有的悲伤扛起,决定在纷乱的废墟上为妹妹擎起一片不下雨 的晴空吧。
兄妹俩投靠了他们的亲戚,然而,战争让亲情疏远,物质的贫乏更使得人们彼此冷漠。越来越多的白眼和碗中越来越少的米饭清晰地显示着他们必须离开了。 哥哥终于决定带着妹妹搬走,去建造一个属于自己的家。但是,在唱着歌快乐离开的时候,他岂能料到他们因那战争而不可逆转的悲惨命运。
萤火虫再次飞舞,可兄妹俩的厄运却不断降临。饥饿和疾病成为困扰他们的最大问题,为了让妹妹能够不再饿肚子,哥哥只好去偷,而且是趁飞机轰炸的时 候,每当他在逃离的家庭找到一些吃的东西,他都会无比的兴奋。影片为这段生活赋予了更多的笔墨,废弃的家园,荒凉的原野,每一个细节看起来都那么真实,恬 淡与残酷相间,冷漠与温情并存。
原来妹妹早已知道妈妈不在了,并以那么小的年纪理解了死亡和坟墓的含义。一捧捧萤火虫的小尸体,从节子手中坠落,混入泥土,化作尘埃,哥哥仿佛看见 了妈妈那同样脆弱的肉体燃成灰烬的样子。死亡再一次击打着哥哥幼小而坚强的心灵,这时滚过面颊的泪水,也许是为了妈妈,也许是为了萤火虫,也许只是为了生 命不堪一击的脆弱。
萤火虫,只能活一个夜晚。在美丽的夜里,它尽情展示它的美丽,然后在黑暗中悄然坠下。恶劣的环境使节子身上起了湿疹,但他们没有钱去看病,更没有钱 去买来药品……终于,年幼的妹妹没能逃过饥饿和疾病的双重折磨,悲惨地死去。 节子死的那天也是在一个满天都是萤火虫的夜里,她含着笑,在最美的风景中去找那只有在梦里才能过的幸福生活了。
一切都那么残酷,一切都那么不近人情,在战争面前一切都是那么徒劳。哥哥为了妹妹和自己能够生存下去已经拼尽了全力,可他仍然不能保住这唯一的至 亲。绝望伴随着夜晚降临,当火焰渐渐熄灭,幽幽的萤火虫为孤单的哥哥唱起最动人的旋律,纷纷扬扬升腾着的萤光在最远的天空结成温暖的笑脸。那是战争夺走的 他的生活的全部、他的所有亲人。
在影片中,生存充满苦难和痛楚,而死亡却是一个最美的结局。影片的最后,战争结束了,人们又恢复了美好的生活。天气很好,女孩子们穿着漂亮的裙子听 音乐,在别人悠扬的音乐里,哥哥火葬了节子。九月二十一日,哥哥也死了。黑暗中,妹妹拉着哥哥的手,快乐地吃着糖果,满天的萤火虫欢快地飞舞,仿佛在祝贺 他们终于找到了幸福。他们的灵魂在萤火虫飞舞的夏夜里重逢了,他们又可以在一起,永远那样的年纪,这样的结局也许是最好的。
长久以来,不少人误将《再见萤火虫》列在动画大师宫崎峻的系列作品中,同时又想不通这部深沉悲凉的作品与宫崎峻动画一贯的明朗奇幻为何如此不同。其 实原因很简单,因为,这部作品的创作者并不是宫崎峻,而是另一位动画大师--高畑熏。 高畑熏和宫崎峻相识于东映动画。1974年,由高畑熏执导、宫崎峻制作的TV动画《阿尔卑斯的少女海蒂》遍销全球,由此,怀着共同的动画梦想的两位大师级 人物开始了长达30年的亲密合作。
这里我们可以看一个小细节。在《再见萤火虫》里有一个冷漠的亲戚。当兄妹俩走投无路值得投靠她的时候,这个有血缘关系的亲戚却对他们百般挑剔,恶语 相向。但是,当兄妹俩一气之下出走的时候,她却很留恋地看了他们一眼,眼神中流露出的竟是悲伤。这令你一下子就理解了她,理解了这个单身母亲在战乱中要抚 养四个孩子的无奈和困苦。高畑熏不是脸谱化地塑造人物,而是以怜悯之心关照着她。 另外,高畑熏极其善于发现平凡苦涩生活中的美好。
战争如同暗夜, 生命在一片漆黑中脆弱不堪,而被战争遗弃的童真就如同长夜中的萤火虫一样散发出微弱的光芒,不可避免地将要在凄冷中凋零。《再见萤火虫》是吉卜利所有动画 作品中最写实、也是唯一一部直面战争罪恶的作品,影片中的小主人公无疑是日本侵略战争的牺牲品,它透过这个独特的视角,让人们清楚地看到战争的残酷与祸 害,控诉着日本军国主义发动的侵略战争给平民带来的痛苦和折磨,召唤着真诚、善良以及永恒的和平。
Honestly speaking, i cried when i watch this movie with Qi Qing and Kai Huey when i was studying in matric...This shows how fragile life is, and yet there is still persons who care about us and will try their very best to protect us, and provide us with comfortable life...just like how the teenage take care of his young sister...
I miss my parents, and my family...
P/S: i hardly, or to be more precise, i never say this out before...^^
good luck and add oil!
Friday, October 30, 2009
wasn't in a very good mood for the past few days...went out to Mcd with wai fun and han siew to study...When i was studying, Dear appeared in front of me...i was actually quite touched but i acted very normal as i don't know how should i react..He knew I got very affected by something that happened on the past few days, he brought me out for a walk so that i won't feel that stressful...And in the end, he accompany me till around 7pm and he went home...although he didn't accompany me till i go back at 6am in the morning..but i did appreciate what he did for me...
And today, i got really mad with something..and these 2 people with the very great sense of humor, brighten up my day (wrong, it should be night)...hahaha...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Can you feel the love tonight?
It's very cold here...
Currently listening to the choir version of 'can you feel the love tonight' using my earphone.
Memories, came back to me
I still remember,
Mandy told us, this is the most romantic song ever, so must sing with feel.
Big Ashley said: Diction! Diction!!
Es said: Sing properly lah!!!
I said: How to imitate Mei Zhen's voice??!
Lalat said: Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.......(1st note)
Mei Zhen: (whisper) 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, *breathe*
Everyone: Wuuuu....
I miss the bunch of people..I miss having fun with them...
poking here and there, touching here and here *smile*
I miss the moment before the competition where everyone calm each other down,
I miss the moment we sang together on the stage, regardless of how 'teruk' i sang on stage, no one blame me (maybe there is, but none of them say it in front of me)
I miss the time where all of us hold hands before the result is announced
I miss the time when we are announced as the winner, someone come to me and say 'who said you sang badly??!'
(few months ago)In the same Mcd i am in now, we celebrated our victory
And in the same Mcd now, i saw the empty room we have fun and crazy together, the feeling is so different..haha
And currently in the choir team, and in the management team, i know i need to be tough..
The road and journey still need to be continued..
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
the zzz post
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
my entertainment of the day XD
沿海公路的出口 (Export of the coastal highway)- s.h.e
用一根火柴烧一场蜃楼 (With a match burning in a mirage)
借这场大雨让自己逃走 (With this heavy rain to escape through their own)
慌茫公路无人的漂泊 (Panic no one traveling the road Mang)
寂寞海啸把我卷走 (The tsunami swept away my loneliness)
用一段感情换一个朋友 (With a feeling for a friend)
每一句再见割一道伤口 (Good-bye every one cut a wound)
躲在万劫不复的街头 (Hiding in the streets beyond redemption)
微笑参透覆水难收 (Having understood a smile turning back)
倘若说放一次手 就像咳一个嗽 (If we say put your hands once again as a cough cough)
我又何苦在乎得不到的温柔 (But why I care about is not the gentle)
我坐在公路的出口 (I was sitting on the highway exit)
等待天黑以后无边的寂寞 (Wait for the boundless loneliness after dark)
连想你都是种残酷切磋 (Even think you are all kinds of cruel Qiecuo)
我目送沿海的日落 (I watched the sunset along the coast)
紧抱一个醉生梦死的枕头 (Hug a pillow drunk to live in dreams)
游不住回忆却学不会放手 怎么走 (You do not live memories they can not learn to let go how to get)
倘若说放一次手 就像咳一个嗽 (If we say put your hands once again as a cough cough)
我又何苦在乎得不到的温柔 (But why I care about is not the gentle)
我坐在公路的出口 (I was sitting on the highway exit)
等待天黑以后无边的寂寞 (Wait for the boundless loneliness after dark)
连想你都是种残酷切磋 (Even think you are all kinds of cruel Qiecuo)
我目送沿海的日落 (I watched the sunset along the coast)
紧抱一个醉生梦死的枕头 (Hug a pillow drunk to live in dreams)
游不住回忆却学不会放手 怎么走 (You do not live memories they can not learn to let go how to get)
我坐在公路的出口 (I was sitting on the highway exit)
等待天黑以后无边的寂寞 (Wait for the boundless loneliness after dark)
连想你都是种残酷切磋 (Even think you are all kinds of cruel Qiecuo)
我目送沿海的日落 (I watched the sunset along the coast)
紧抱一个醉生梦死的枕头 (Hug a pillow drunk to live in dreams)
游不住回忆却学不会放手 怎么走 (You do not live memories they can not learn to let go how to get)
I can't stop laughing after looking at everything...HAHAHAH
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Lookout point ^^

It was Shiao Tan's birthday few days ago and i got the chance to follow the superseniors to the famous Lookout point to celebrate her birthday.
The scenery up there is breath-taking. Previously, people keep telling me, 'you go up there can see the whole KL one'. And i was like, got so 'kua jeong' or not. Haha, and it's true, you can really see the whole KL up there.
The weather up there is quite cooling. When to the don't know what cafe and have our dinner. Ordered lemonade fittz and the seafood spaghetti. Very sorry to say that, the spaghetti is quite bad lah..the paste tasted powdery actually and i decided to continue eating because it costs me RM15 until i found a small piece of aluminum foil in it..*yer*..


When it's about midnight, we start seeing fireworks from the KL scenery. Ohya, people must be counting down for Deepavali. And soon, we saw like everywhere in KL is playing fireworks. And I am sure this is my very 1st time seeing so many fireworks at 'different place' at once.

Last but not least, happy birthday Shiao Tan!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
a belated present
i just received a present from 1 of my best friend, Ms OOIHANSIEW!!
since my birthday had past for about 2 months, i actually did not expect to have any present by now...She did celebrate my birthday with me on 17/8/2009, with a box of BigApple donuts, durian pancakes and with candles all over, i am already very touched with it.
Was hanging out in the college mamak with hansiew,waifun,coconut and Q fong and right before i and hansiew reach our own room, she took something out from her bag, something that looks like graduation rolled up certificate, with 2 ribbon on it and a full page of words on it.
After receiving it and words of thank you, i went into the room and get on the bed and open it. When reading what written behind, i can't hold back my tears.
Although it may sounds very 'chiong hei' and 'lao tu', i still need to say it. Ooi Han Siew,from the day we are friend, you will forever be my best friend. That is my word and you can count on it. Although at times i really feel you are too busy, and i did grumble, but i understand, you have your own reason, and i should understand. So, when you are unhappy, do come and find me, i welcome you all the time ya...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
When you are still part of them, they will declare you as part of them.
When you quit or leave that particular team or group, you are no longer part of them.
I shall delete all the memories i had there, though they may think i never contribute anything to them, it is none of my business anymore.
It's just me who think too much, hoping for people to accept me as i had already choose to quit.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
It gonna rain again... :)
Feel so much like going shopping again...
how i wish i will have RM100k fall down from the sky now...*praying*
once again...i am not satisfy with my result...
well, i deserve it??
it's time to wake up...but i think i started saying this since last semester...haihzzz
The sky is dark again...i love the weather... :)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
FaceBook Addiction~~
where it became my drug...something to keep me awake when i am sleepy...eventually, just because of this, i manage to keep myself awake till 6am!! (helo, got study one ok...)
with all the stupid quizzes, some games that some people may think they are lame and comment over photos...fuh...
and even i have finished my exam, i face computer parents must be wondering will my face be totally sticked on the computer before school reopen? XD
So, conclusion, if ever, the university authority were to do an investigation on 'why university students can stay awake till so late OR what causes students' bad result'
Don't ever let them know Facebook...
Or else someday, they will block FB...T T
Friday, May 1, 2009
as usual, i didn't listen to what the teacher, i am lazy to study myself, and so ngam, fei kang was sitting beside me in the in the end, he teach me.
this is what i learn from him...and whenever i see this, i will remember the 'gao cha, gao cha' thing he said...haha
and this is what we called, memory...=)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
and well, 3 years pass, and he comes back to the question again, i somehow think i should just answer him honestly, since it had already past for so many years!
i didn't know the consequences of being honest will be like that, makes me wonder, why should i say out?
i think i will need to consider going back to the 'Miss Dont know', should just leave everything like that and make everything a mystery...
however, after thinking about it, it's not worth doing that for someone who get mad when explanations are made. what more, it had pass for so long!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
blissful me..^^
and ya, because of the stupid exam, i can't go...and i managed to persuade them to come and find me after my MIS paper this aunt actually asked her to bring me lunch from home-not my house aunt's house! ^^
dabao food from home-this term fade away from my 'dictionary' since i guess primary school or maybe secondary 1 or 2 or 3-forget...and today...ta-da
i saw dad's eyes with a small patch of blood red colour on the white part...give me a shock!
mum said that it's because his eye is too tired, so the blood vessels break...yer...sounds so pain..T T