it was a busy week last week travelling around.since young,i seldom go for travelling because my parents are often busy with their business.last friday,we went down to singapore by train.7 hours journey,huh...cant imagine that,all along the journey,i hardly drink water because i was afraid that the toilet in the train hours journey should be...bor-ring..but i sleep nearly all along the journey..aha..when we reach JB,is around 11+am already.we went to my sis's bf's aunt's house and pay her a visit.few hours after lunch,then we leave for singapore.when i was in the customs,i almost forget to take my passport from the officer.then he asked'why?dont want your passport already is it?'so embarassing...once we reach singapore,aunt puay leng come n fetch us to uncle siang's house.after chit chatting for while and after all of us bath,we went out for dinner with all the cousins and believe or not..aunt puay leng ordered 9 dishes for each table..fuh...after dinner we went to causeway mall for a walk and she bought each of us a swenson's ice cream.
on the 2nd day,huh...we knew it'll be a tiring day for us.early in the morning,we went for breakfast (and i wondered..why singaporean's breakfast so big bowl 1 har?)..then we leave for sentosa island by mrt.i stand nearly the whole journey,and there is a girl carrying a big guitar standing bside actually plan to go for luge and skyride but it close down due to the bad sad..i come so far but cant play with it..sobsob...bcz of the bad weather,we leave sentosa earlier then expected and went for shopping in vivo city.then we went to china town and have dinner with my cousin.when i reach home,is around 11pm already,after taken my bath and have a phone call,i go to sleep..
and the last day in singapore..early in the morning( choice lar..lag of time ma..)we went out and eat bak kut teh (actually is undenieable,i still think malaysia's bak kut teh is nicer),then off we go to the orchard road(we shop, and shop, and shop),we went for mosburger,because it is not available in is special because instead of using the burger bun,they change it with sushi rice.after that,we went home and prepare to go back to malaysia soon.and when is the train departure time,my family go and scan our passport at the counter,and i am the last person to scan.after that,i run over and get my mum.but then suddenly a guard come and block me and ask me to go aside and he wanna check my things.stupid fellow..i almost burst in tears already that time,but then i say to myself,i never do anything wrong,why should i afraid of him..stupid guard.then he scolded me 'apa lari lari?' then he start checking my things and ask me 'kamu orang malaysia ke?'then i said 'yala..orang malaysia'.then after checking and mess up all my stuff,he finally let me go...stupid guard..sobsob..

playing with stingrays

yea..believe or not..this is our breakfast..= =
a pic before we leave
P/S:thanks for accompany us all along the trip^^