Wednesday, April 21, 2010


努 力改变现状;

2.女孩子并不在乎与你生活在一起会遇到困难,她在乎的是你 会不会迎难而上,不逃避;

3.女孩子并不在乎你长得有多帅,她在乎的是你能不能给她足 够的安全感;

4.女孩子并不在乎你跟你的异性朋友有多好,她在乎的是你能 不能一心一意对她好;

5.女孩子并不在乎你送她的礼物有多贵,她在乎的是你会不会 时常给她个惊喜;

6.女孩子并不在乎你的志向有多远大,她在乎的是你是不是一 个老实做人、踏实做事的人;

7.女孩子并不在乎你有多浪漫,她在乎的是能不能从生活的点 滴中感受到你的爱;

8.女孩子并不在乎你的人可以每时每刻都陪在她身边,她在乎 的是你的心可以无时无刻想着她;

9.女孩子并不在乎你在物质生活上给她多大的满足,她在乎的 往往是一句窝心的话,那似乎比什么都重要;

10.女孩子并不在乎你现在的境况如何,她在乎的是你能不能 让她看到你的未来;

11.女孩子并不在乎你跟她的关系有多亲密,她在乎的是你会 不会负责到底;

12.女孩子并不在乎可以分享你的快乐,她在乎的是可不可以 分担你的忧愁;

13.女孩子并不在乎跟你在一起吃苦,她在乎的是陪你走到最 后的是不是她。

Tuesday, April 20, 2010



Friday, April 16, 2010


Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Monday, April 12, 2010






Thursday, April 8, 2010

another wave of craziness


it keeps me awake!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010




Monday, April 5, 2010


finish class at 6pm and at the moment i passed by the lecturer's table and saw the microphone, i suddenly feel like taking up the mic and sing...

sometimes people just need to be like that, maybe life will be happier?


wonderful week

people usually say, rest is for you to walk further...yea, time flies, final is coming in 2 weeks time and i choose to have sufficient rest and relax puas-puas before starting my torturing 1 month.had a last minute decision to go home on monday, i skip tuesday and wednesday class, went to Assunta Hospital to visit Dear's grandmother on Friday (not part of my relax schedule though =P)...went to Tropicana City Mall on Saturday afternoon with Ray and ShiaoTan for lunch (met MY FM 特工队 there and won some prizes!! :) ), then went for midnight 1am movie with Ray, Shiao Tan, Jennifer and ES to watch Clash of the Titan. Was so worry i will fall asleep during the movie, luckily i didn't ;)...Had a stay over at Shiao Tan's house, and went for lunch at 12pm then Tesco to buy ingredients needed for the dinner later at night.Never knew, we can be there for so long. (not any shopping mall, just Tesco), reach ShiaoTan's house at 4 something,nearly 5 and we start preparing food.
the 3 of us :)

ABC soup cooked by ray

mushroom dish by Ray also..(my favorite of all!)

curry chicken by Jennifer (very delicious!!)

steam fish by shiaotan (nice!!)- she said she got her own secret recipe and cannot be revealed XD

steam otak-otak plus egg (unknown chief)

smelly vege...i also don't know cooked by who :P

me :)

dessert of the day


wonder what are they watching (ah kua show???) >.< yam lou..... =p

wine after dinner + otak-otak + fererro rocher ^^

that marks the end of my wonderful week...i shall now happily start my torturing 1 month...T T

Saturday, April 3, 2010


suddenly miss my fringe and my long hair so much ~ ~


I want to wake up earlier today to wash my clothes (with washing machine = =)
because, if i don't wash them later...i do not have tshirt to wear ad...T T

today is also my best friend- Julian Ng's birthday
We knew each other since primary school, we are not school mate, but we know each other in some sunday school thingy..
We started get closer when we got into the same secondary school, same class since form 1 till form 5
We sat next to each other, talk non stop, 'check' each other's answer during exam (XD), went for the same tuition and after graduate from secondary school, we eventually got into a very ***** college...however, we got into different matriculation and end up with different course and different university again...
by the way, happy 21st birthday yea!!
will have a belated celebration with you and ah bo soon yea...

photo captured at around 2 years ago, in year 2008...awww...we were so young before (as if we are very old now...=p)