I want to wake up earlier today to wash my clothes (with washing machine = =)
because, if i don't wash them later...i do not have tshirt to wear ad...T T
today is also my best friend- Julian Ng's birthday
We knew each other since primary school, we are not school mate, but we know each other in some sunday school thingy..
We started get closer when we got into the same secondary school, same class since form 1 till form 5
We sat next to each other, talk non stop, 'check' each other's answer during exam (XD), went for the same tuition and after graduate from secondary school, we eventually got into a very ***** college...however, we got into different matriculation and end up with different course and different university again...
by the way, happy 21st birthday yea!!
will have a belated celebration with you and ah bo soon yea...

photo captured at around 2 years ago, in year 2008...awww...we were so young before (as if we are very old now...=p)